SSC CGL 2018 (T-1) 04 June 2019 Second Shift English Paper Solution

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In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.

Q.1) She got two quick promotions in order that she has good communication skills.

  • (a) two quick promotions
  • (b) she has good communication skills
  • (c) in order that
  • (d) She got
वाक्य को अर्थपूर्ण बनाने के लिए in order that के स्थान पर because होगा।

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. 

Q.2) Cost an arm and a leg

  • (a) Easy to obtain
  • (b) Rarely available
  • (c) Nothing to lose
  • (d) Very expensive

सही उत्तर है D. इस idiom का अर्थ है बहुत महंगा होना

Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

Q.3) The State Government argued that it could not ____ the increase in the teacher’s salaries as awarded by the court.

  • (a) stand
  • (b) spare
  • (c) afford
  • (d) get

सही उत्तर : (C) Afford

Directions (4 – 8) : In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Select the most appropriate option for each blank.

At Italian mayor has been cleaning the streets along with his councillors after their town (4) with no manual workers, it’s reported. In fact, (5) was sweeping the piazza in front of the (6) church in preparation for market day, (7) the deputy mayor’s father and a town councillor armed with a high-pressure hose. The town Zerfaliu’s last (8) retired six months ago and nobody has been hired since then. “We can’t do anything – we are blocked by bureaucracy,” the mayor says.

Q.4) Choose the correct option for (4)

  • (a) was left
  • (b) was leaving
  • (c) has left
  • (d) leaves

सही उत्तर : has left
Verb को passive voice में होना चाहिए

Q.5) Choose the correct option for (5)

  • (a) he
  • (b) it
  • (c) they
  • (d) she

सही उत्तर : (A)

Q.6) Choose the correct option for (6)

  • (a) near
  • (b) local
  • (c) neighbour
  • (d) next
  Railway Group D Chemistry Quiz- 01 : रेलवे ग्रुप डी परिक्षा के लिए रसायन विज्ञान के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न

सही उत्तर : local

चूंकि पहले से कोई स्थान नहीं दिया है इसलिए near सही नहीं होगा। बाकी ऑप्शन भी यहाँ ठीक नहीं बैठेंगे।

Q.7) Choose the correct option for (7)

  • (a) also
  • (b) alongside
  • (c) along
  • (d) as well

सही उत्तर : B

अगर ऑप्शन (C) along with और (D) as well as होते तो ये भी सही हो जाते

Q.8) Choose the correct option for (8)

  • (a) councillor
  • (b) member
  • (c) worker
  • (d) mayor

सही उत्तर : (B)

Q.9) Select the wrongly spelt word.

  • (a) Examplify
  • (b) Exhale
  • (c) Exempt
  • (d) Example

सही उत्तर : (A)

Correct Spelling : exemplify

Q.10) Select the wrongly spelt word.

  • (a) Comparable
  • (b) Comparison
  • (c) Compitition
  • (d) Communication

स्वयं करें।

Q.11) Select the correct passive form of the given sentence.

Do not park your car in front of my house.

  • (a) Your car need not be parked in front of my house.
  • (b) Your car should not be parked in front of my house.
  • (c) Your car could not be parked in front of my house.
  • (d) My house should not be parked in front of your car.

Option A और B दोनों सही हैं।

Q.12) Select the synonym of the given word.


  • (a) Guttural
  • (b) Throaty
  • (c) Concise
  • (d) Talkative

सही उत्तर : D

Q.13) Select the antonym of the given word.


  • (a) Heighten
  • (b) Enlarge
  • (c) Raise
  • (d) Reduce

सही उत्तर : D

Q.14) Select the antonym of the given word.


  • (a) Soft
  • (b) Warm
  • (c) Gentle
  • (d) Rough

सही उत्तर : D

Q.15) Select the correct active form of the given sentence.

The main gate of the building was being guarded by gun totting guards.

  • (a) Gun-totting guards guarded the main gate of the building.
  • (b) The main gate of the building were guarding gun-totting guards.
  • (c) Gun-totting guards were guarding the main gate of the building.
  • (d) Gun-totting guards have been guarding the main gate of the building.
  RRB NTPC CBT-1 Biology Quiz-6 : रेलवे एनटीपीसी परिक्षा में पूछे गये जीव विज्ञान के प्रश्न

सही उत्तर : C

Q.16) Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.

(A) That sort of pollution, which is also widespread in other South East Asian nations, regularly kills wildlife like whales and turtles that ingest the waste.

(B) Environmental groups have tagged the Philippines as one of the world’s biggest ocean polluters due to its reliance on single-use plastic.

(C) In Thailand also, a whale died last year after swallowing more than 80 plastic bags.

(D) In the latest case, a whale with 40 kilos of plastic trash in its stomach died on Saturday in southern Philippines where it was stranded a day earlier.

  • (a) BCAD
  • (b) BADC
  • (c)ABCD
  • (d) DABC

सही उत्तर : B

DC एक साथ आएंगे।

Q.17) Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom. 

Get out of hand

  • (a) Get out of control
  • (b) To complete a task
  • (c) Give up something
  • (d) Get upset

सही उत्तर : A

इस idiom का अर्थ है – नियंत्रण से बाहर हो जाना।

Q.18) Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence, If no substitution is required, select No improvement.

I look for a better job for the last two months, but nothing is in sight.

  • (a) have been looking for a better job
  • (b) have looked for a better job
  • (c) No improvement
  • (d) looked for a better job

सही उत्तर : A

वाक्य में for+time आया है इसलिए Verb present perfect continuous में आएगा।

Q.19) Select the synonym of the given word.


  • (a) Slant
  • (b) Straighten
  • (c) Cross
  • (d) Support

सही उत्तर : A

Q.20) Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.

(A) The elephant tusks were tracked from the Democratic Republic of Congo for two months.

(B) Customs officials in Thailand say it’s the biggest seizure in the country’s history.

(C) Four tonnes of ivory, with a market value of $6 million – it was an impressive haul.

  SSC CGL 2018 (T-1) English Paper Solution : 10 June 2019 Second Shift

(D) Officials say they were being transported to Laos, form where they believed the ivory would be sold to customers across Asia.

  • (a) CBAD
  • (b) ACDB
  • (c) ABCD
  • (d) CABD

सही उत्तर : A

CB एक साथ आएंगे।

Q.21) Select the word which means the same as the group of words given. 

A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.

  • (a) Vagrant
  • (b) Itinerant
  • (c) Migrant
  • (d) Truant

सही उत्तर : A

Q.23) Select the word which means the same as the group of words given. 

A person, animal or plant belonging originally to a place.

  • (a) Alien
  • (b) Native
  • (c) Resident
  • (d) Occupant

सही उत्तर : B

Q.23) Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If no substitution is required, select No Improvement.

If you join this job now, it proves to be good in the long run.

  • (a) it has proved to be good
  • (b) it will prove to be good
  • (c) it proves good
  • (d) No Improvement

सही उत्तर : B

If यह इंगित कर रहा है कि वाक्य future का है।

Q.24) Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

Scientists at Cambridge University are _______ how plants can give us sustainable energy. 

  • (a) looking
  • (b) investigating
  • (c) scrutinizing
  • (d) inspecting

सही उत्तर : B
investigate किसी बात की छानबीन करना, scrutinize दस्तावेज आदि की जांच करना, inspect किसी बात की सत्यता की जांच करना।

Q.25) In the sentence identify the segment which contains the grammatical error.

Due to the Cyclone Idai vast areas of land have been flooded, roads destroyed and communications dusrupting in Zimbabwe and Mosambique.

  • (a) vast areas of land have been flooded
  • (b) and communication disrupting
  • (c) Due to the Cyclone Idai
  • (d) roads destroyed

सही उत्तर : B

disrupting के स्थान पर disrupted होगा।

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